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Vladimir Arsenijević je ocenjen(a) 10 puta uz 8 komentar(a), što je rezultovalo sa ukupnom prosečnom ocenom 4.20 na skali od 1 do 5. Opisna ocena za ovog Stomatologa je veoma dobar.
Ako imate lično iskustvo sa Vladimir Arsenijević, pozivamo vas da podelite vaš utisak sa posetiocima. Vaše mišljenje je veoma važno i Vladimir Arsenijević će najverovatnije ceniti vašu povratnu informaciju.
Budislav Lukovic
Pored ovih dobrih ocena ima nesto sto mi malo smeta,a to je relativno povrsno informisanje pacijenta o predstojecim ili vec obavljenim zahvatima.Imam utisak da je toliko siguran u sebe pa zanemaruje brigu koju brine pacijent.Kod mene je radio ozbiljne zahvate i za sada sam vrlo zadovoljan.Mozda nisam potpuno upravu sto se tice kritike jer zivim dugo u inostranstvu pa sam navikao na drugacije.kao strucnjaka ga mogu odgovorno preporuciti.
Da li vam je ovaj komentar bio koristan? Ocena [ 4.50 ]
Miodrag Urošević
Veoma temeljan stomatolog. Meni je ispravio problem koji mi nepravio drugi stomatolog. Tehnika popravke savrsena. Ipak, moraćete da naglasite da želite kompozitnu plombu (belu) ukoliko ne želite da vam stavi amalgamsku.
Da li vam je ovaj komentar bio koristan? Ocena [ 4.00 ]
i don't even know what twitter is, so don't ask me that one when i read this post, the first thing to came to mind is this story i have a fnierd who is a high school teacher in virginia. she was telling me last year about one of her students who had gone to her fnierds' family reunion with her over the summer. she met one of her fnierds' cousins and thought he was cute. she gave him her number and email and he called her a couple of days later. she was on the phone with him for about 5 minutes and they could barely have a conversation. she said, this is weird. let's get on IM and chat instead. to me, this is just such a crazy sign of the times and how much they've changed since we were in high school (which really wasn't THAT long ago; was it? haha . my mom used to get wicked mad at us for tying up the phone lines, but i bet parents now wish their kids were tying up the phone lines instead of being on the computer chatting , where they aren't supervised as much. also, chatting /i.m.'ing is so much easier for kids now, versus talking on the phone, because they aren't put right on the spot and don't have to answer right away. when they are on the computer, they can sit and think for a second of how to answer, and thus appear wittier, sexier, etc.
Da li vam je ovaj komentar bio koristan? Ocena [ 3.25 ]
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